Get ready for labour with pregnancy myotherapy. This massage therapy helps improve pelvic alignment, increase pelvic floor muscle strength and reduce muscle tension for a more comfortable delivery.
As a myotherapist at Mornington Peninsula Myotherapy and Massage, I often work with expectant mothers who are looking for ways to prepare their bodies for labour and delivery. One natural and effective solution is pregnancy myotherapy, which can help improve pelvic alignment, increase pelvic floor muscle strength and reduce muscle tension. In this article, we'll explore how pregnancy myotherapy can help prepare your body for labour and delivery.
Pelvic Alignment: During pregnancy, the body undergoes significant changes, including an increase in weight and a shift in the centre of gravity. These changes can lead to poor pelvic alignment, which can cause discomfort and make labour and delivery more difficult. Pregnancy myotherapy can help improve pelvic alignment by releasing tension in the muscles surrounding the pelvis and promoting proper alignment.
Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength: The pelvic floor muscles play an important role in supporting the weight of the growing baby and can help during labour and delivery. However, these muscles can become weakened during pregnancy, which can lead to problems such as incontinence and discomfort. Pregnancy myotherapy can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, making them better prepared for the demands of labour and delivery.
Reducing Muscle Tension: Pregnancy can also lead to muscle tension and discomfort, particularly in the back and hips. Pregnancy myotherapy can help release tension in these areas, promoting relaxation and reducing discomfort during labour and delivery.
In addition to these benefits, pregnancy myotherapy can also help reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and improve sleep quality all of which can be helpful during pregnancy and labour.
If you're interested in trying pregnancy myotherapy, it's important to work with a qualified and experienced myotherapist who is trained in prenatal massage. They can work with you to develop a treatment plan that meets your individual needs and preferences.
In conclusion, pregnancy myotherapy can be an effective way to prepare your body for labour and delivery. By improving pelvic alignment, increasing pelvic floor muscle strength, and reducing muscle tension, it can help make labour and delivery easier and more comfortable. So why not give it a try and see how it can benefit you and your growing baby? We are here for any questions you may have, give us a call at Mornington Peninsula Myotherapy and Massage.